Law Essay Writing Service
Our custom undergraduate (LLB) law essay
writing service provides you with a fully complete answer to your essay
assignment, fully referenced in your chosen referencing style. As the UK's
leading law essay writing service provider, we offer the following unique
Comprehensive quality report – With every single order, we provide a comprehensive
quality report that details all of the checks we made to ensure that your order
is exactly what you expect. We guarantee the standard of the work we deliver
and offer a full money back guarantee should we ever get it wrong.
Detailed plagiarism scan – Using our custom plagiarism detection software, we
carefully check your order for originality and provide you with a report as
proof. When ordering a tailored service that's exactly what you deserve, so we
guarantee all work is plagiarism free.
Finest academic writers – We hire the best academic writers and pay the best rates
in the industry to ensure that we keep them. This ensures that we can provide
the specialist help you require all year round.
Here at, we have experience
and expertise in writing all manner of law essays. There are of course
different types of law essays that you will probably be given by your
University; each requiring different skills.
Looking for help with non-law subjects?
Take a look at the essay writing service offered by our sister company UKEssays
The critical discussion essay:
This is the type of essay where you are
asked to discuss, critique or evaluate a particular area of law or case
judgment. The key elements to answering such questions are to accurately set
out the issues regarding the subject, research and reference academic and
judicial comment and demonstrate your ability to critique or evaluate the legal
rules and opinions under discussion.
At, we have hundreds of law
researchers who have the all important critical thought patterns to show you
how to critique the law and how to justify your analysis.
The advice-style question:
These are the types of question where you
are given a scenario or a set of facts and parties, and you are asked to advise
the parties on what the legal position is. In these essays, the focus is not on
demonstrating a critique of the law; rather, it is necessary to accurately
identify the contentious issues, outline the relevant law, apply that law to
the facts before you and conclude on each of the issues at hand. What is
important here is what the law is, not what it ought to be so you shouldn't get
side-tracked with critiquing the law.
The best researchers for these types of
questions are solicitors and barristers who are actually practising these areas
of law because that is what they do on a day to day basis; they advise their
clients on the relevant law and what it means for their situation. That is why
we at use practising lawyers for these advice-style questions to
ensure the best possible advice drafted in the correct way.
The case-note:
A case note is a specific essay which
focuses on a particular case judgment. This will differ from a critical
discussion essay slightly because it will generally include sections which will
outline the facts of the case, the appellate history, the ratio decidendi and
any dissenting judgments. The most important element of a case note though is
the requirement to critically analyse the judgment that was reached, and how it
affects the area of law. This requires original and critical thought about how
justified the decision was in light of other judgments and social or political
factors. Help from one of our experts at can help you to
understand how your case note should look and the kind of arguments you need to
Quality and Guarantees
Here at, we believe in
preventing problems and focus all of our attention on ensuring we don't let you
down. We take preventative measures to ensure your work is plagiarism free, and
delivered on time to the standard you ordered so when you order with, you know that you're in safe hands.
To support these promises, we have full
money back guarantees for late delivery and quality issues and a £5,000 no
plagiarism bond which is payable if you find any issues with plagiarism in your
order. Our guarantees go into more detail about what we do if things go wrong.
We're proud to say our law essay writing
service customers rarely request a refund, thanks to:
Our quality checking process – we know the importance of your order being to the grade
you ordered, so we complete comprehensive quality checks and provide you with a
report detailing these checks. When you order with, you know
you're getting only the highest quality work. No other company invests this
much time into delivering perfection!
Our collaborative writing process – to prevent late delivery, we ask for regular updates
from your writer and work with them throughout the writing process. We also
test new writers before letting them take on orders for paying customers.
Our custom plagiarism detection software – we have our own plagiarism detection software that scans
your work against our database of previous orders and multiple online sources
to ensure that each piece of work we provide is 100% original. We're so
confident that we offer £5,000 if your work has been plagiarised.
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