Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Practical Legal Research Service

Practical Legal Research Service
      When placing a practical legal research order, you simply provide us with the scenario that you have been provided as part of your course. A qualified professional will then take the scenario as the requirements for the piece and start the research and writing process.
      This is most frequently written in the form of a memorandum to a senior solicitor who has requested your assistance in your provided scenario’s firm. Our practical legal research service provides comprehensive research of an area of law and reports on what the technical legal rules and principles are, as well as what the prospects are for client in the scenario.
      We excel in providing practical legal research that is concise, to the point and detailed, using primary sources and professional practitioners’ texts rather than just relying on the academic textbooks frequently used in Undergraduate or Masters level work.
      Here at, we can also provide you with a research trail as an additional element of your order. The research trail details the research strategy that was employed and includes:
LPC Drafting Writing Service
      Law Teacher provides a high quality and professional LPC Draft writing service that is produced by UK academic law experts.
      Legal drafting or creating legal documents is the centre around which almost everything in the legal world pivots. Drafting legal letters entails a lot more than simply putting pen to paper and getting the job done.
      Care should be taken to ensure that the Solicitors' Code of Conduct regarding the proper care of client is met.
      The document should serve its purpose adequately; i.e. provide guidance, information or make requests as the case may be.
      If the audience is a client rather than a legal professional, then the language and the tone of the document should not contain complex legal words that are beyond the scope of the clients' understanding.
      Legal documents need to be lucid and brief, whether it is meant for a busy legal colleague or a scared, confused or angry client.
      It is important to maintain a balanced tone. Issues like family disputes require sensitivity, whereas those dealing with meeting deadlines need a firm tone that conveys a sense of urgency.
      Accuracy of the legal content is of vital importance to maintain credibility as a legal professional. It is also crucial to stay up to date with the constant changes in civil, common, criminal and statutory law. This is of vital consequence because it would not only affect the reputation of the legal firm bringing it under scrutiny for breach of Solicitors' Code of Conduct but also cause damage to the case.
      Client care is an issue of supreme importance when drafting legal documents. The Solicitors' Code of Conduct has a number of statutory requirements that should be adhered to while drafting. A large part of what should go into the letter is dictated by the first rule of the Code.
Do you need help with Drafting a legal document?
      Our law experts have been Drafting LPC legal documents since 2003 and are perfectly equipped to help you.
      They can research and write for you an LPC Draft on any subject that you require.
      Your LPC Drafting order will be:
      Written on the subject that you specify
      Written by genuine UK lawyers and law graduates that have qualified on the LPC.
At the grade and level you order
Delivered on time to your online control panel or your MONEY BACK!
Law Teacher offers a genuinely high quality service
How do we achieve this?
      By hiring only skilled, talented writers to complete the writing of your LPC Draft.
      By ensuring that the writer we choose from our talented pool of in-house writers is certified in your chosen field of study or has current experience working in the field.
      Through a careful selection process, pairing you up with a writer that not only understands it, but that'll nail delivery in a unique and original voice.
Skeleton Argument Service
      An essential part of gaining your LPC qualification is being able to produce a high quality skeleton argument. A skeleton argument is the basic assertion of the case or submission that you will be putting forward. It is directed towards the judge and a copy is given to the judge and each party before the hearing.
      This is then expanded upon by your oral submissions in front of the mock judge, who is often also the assessor. Therefore, we can also accompany skeleton arguments with guidance notes for your oral submission; simply let us know what you require when placing your order.
Negotiation Preparation Service
      One of the key skills as a lawyer is negotiation. Very often, you will be faced with a situation where resolving the issue amicably between the parties is best for all involved. You need to get the best possible outcome for your client whilst at the same time finding a solution that the other party will accept. This is a fine balancing act and our negotiation preparation service is well placed to help you to learn the important skills involved in a good negotiation.
      The key points to a good negotiation are understanding the relative strengths and weaknesses of your case and what your client and the other party wants to achieve.
      Our negotiation preparation service provides you with a comprehensive assessment of the case you are working on. Once you know how likely it is that you would win at trial, you know the strength you will have in negotiations. You also need to know what the likely remedy or award would be at trial if successful in order to negotiate for a realistic outcome. Our negotiation preparation service can help you to understand the likely legal outcome so that you can be a successful negotiator.

      In any negotiation, there will be certain outcomes that your client must achieve and others that they will not concede. It is important to be aware of these when entering into a negotiation and that is where our negotiation service is of great value to you. Our negotiation preparation service will guide you to ask the right questions of your client in order to be fully prepared to represent your client's best interests.


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