Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Live Harmoniously

Loving Kindness
    As long as there is one single fellow creature whom you can console by kind words, whom you can enliven and cheer by your presence, whom you can relieve by your worldly possessions,
however scanty that charity may be, you are a precious possession to the human race and you should never be disheartened or depressed.
    There may be times when those whom you love do not seem to care for you and you are apt to feel heavy at heart. But there is no just cause for dejection. What does it matter if other are not grateful to you or do not care for you, as long as you know that you are full of tender heartedness for others, full of loving compassion to your fellow men? One should never depend on others for one’s happiness.
    “He who expects to secure satisfaction in life from others is worse than the beggar who kneels and cries for his daily bread.”
    The Drug Menace
    Alcohol has been described as one of the prime causes of man’s physical and moral degradation. Currently another more vicious form of abuse, that of harmful and dangerous drugs, as contained in heroin, hashish and various other forms, have shown their ugly heads, causing much more serious human and social problems to the well-being of humanity. This problem is now world-wide. Its repercussions are more serious and deadly than that of alcohol. Thefts, robberies, sexual crimes and swindling of vast magnitude have taken place due to the pernicious influence of the drug. Murders have been committed and families have been decimated by drug addicts.
    Countless millions of hard-earned dollars have been spent by Government throughout the world to rid the addicts of their evil habits and to rehabilitate them but the maddening craze persists. It is our bounden duty, as dutiful citizens, to help in whatever manner we can, through our religious and social organisations, to eradicate this dreadful and obnoxious habit and to prevent our children from ever getting near to it. Life as a drug addict is a life of torture and hell on earth, leading to an early grave.
    As human being we should be able to exercise our self-control and to distinguish between what is good and evil. Keep away from the drug menace and help others to do so. That will be the greatest service to humanity.
Live Harmoniously
    World history tells us that racial discrimination, colour bar, religious fanaticism and greed for political power and wealth have created enormous misfortunes, miseries and troubles in this world and have taken a heavy toll of lives in a cruel way. These issues have never contributed anything towards peace and happiness. People who are thirsty for power and wealth and intoxicated with jealously always create troubles and often try to justify their cruel acts by talking nonsense and by offending others. We are living in a world which is physically united and mentally divided.
“Drunkenness expels reason,
Drowns memory,
Defaces the brain,
Diminishes strength,
Inflames the blood,
Causes external and internal incurable wounds.
Is a witch to the body?
A devil to the mind,
A thief to the purse,
The beggar’s curse,
The wife’s woe,
The children’s sorrow,
The picture of a beast,
And self murder,
Who drinks to other’s health,
And robs himself of his own.”
Its final result can never be anything but utter physical and moral
    You Create Heaven and Hell Here
    “If you want to live in this world peacefully and happily, allow others also to live peacefully and happily, so that you can make this world something which is worthy of life.”
    Unless and until you adjust yourself to live according to these noble principles you cannot expect happiness and peace in this world. You cannot expect this happiness and peace from heaven simply by praying. If you act according to moral principles you can create your own heaven right here in this world. If not you also can see the hell-fire on this earth itself. Not knowing how to live according to this natural and cosmic law, we always grumble when troubles confront us. If each man tries to adjust himself without grumbling and criticising others we can enjoy real heavenly bliss better than the one that some people dream of existing in far beyond above. There is no need to create a heaven elsewhere to reward a virtue, or a hell to punish vice; virtue and evil have inevitable reactions in this world itself. Your faith is immaterial in this respect. This is the highest way that you can help in the welfare of your society and your country. Today, human society has developed up to this level because of this understanding and harmony of some people who have sympathy and tolerance towards the happiness and progress of others. Now you can realise why we should practice morality. On the other hand, you must understand that by helping others morally, you help yourself and by helping yourself morally you help others also.
    “We live and work and dream,
    Each has his little scheme,
    Sometimes we laugh;
    Sometimes we cry;
    And thus the days go by.”


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