Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Don’t Waste Your Time

Humility is the wise man’s measuring-rod for learning the difference between what is and what is yet to be. “The Buddha himself started his ministry by discarding all his princely pride in an act of self-humiliation. He attained sainthood during his life, but never lost his naturalness, never assumed superior airs. His dissertations and parable were never pompous. He had time for themost humble of men. He never lost his sense of humour.”
Don’t Waste Your Time
    To waste a man’s existence in grieving over the past, and in idleness and heedlessness is to show his unfitness for the noble place he holds thus inviting his bad kamma (volitional action) to relegate him to a place befitting his unworthiness. Bear this strongly in your mind, and do good while life lasts. By wasting your time you injure not only yourself but also others, for your time is as much others’ as it is yours.
Patience and Tolerance
    Be patient with all. Anger leads one through a pathless jungle. While it irritates and annoys others it also hurts oneself, weakens the physical frame and disturbs the mind. A harsh word, like an arrow discharged from a bow, can never be taken back even if you
    would offer a thousand apologies for it. Certain creatures cannot see in the day-time whilst some others are blind at night. But a man driven to great heights of hatred does not observe anything, either by day or night.
    With whom and with what do you fight when you are angry? You fight with yourself, for you are the worst enemy of yourself. Mind is your best friend and worst foe. You must try to kill the passion of lust, hatred and ignorance that are latent in your mind by means
    or morality, concentration and wisdom. Some varieties of heart trouble, rheumatic disorders, and skin diseases are traceable to chronic resentment, hatred and jealously Such destructive feelings poison the cockles of the heart. They foster the development of latent disease tendencies and invite disease microbes.
Returning Good for Evil
    If you want to get rid of your enemies you should first kill your anger which is the greatest enemy within you. On the other hand if you are going to be perturbed hearing from your enemies, it means you are fulfilling the wishes of your enemies by unknowingly entering into their trap. You should not think that you can only learn something from only
    those who praise and help you and associate with you very closely. There are many things that you could learn from your enemies also; you should not think they are entirely wrong just because they happen to be your enemies. They may also possess certain good qualities.

    You will not be able to get rid of your enemies by returning evil for evil. If you do that then you will be inviting only more enemies. The best and the most correct method of overcoming your enemies is by radiating your kindness towards them. You may think that this is impossible or something nonsensical. But this method is very highly appreciated by every cultured man. When you come to know that there is someone who is very angry with you, you should first try to find out the main cause of that enmity; if it is due to you mistake you should admit it and should not hesitate to apologise to him. If it is due to certain misunderstandings between you both you must have hearts to heart talk with him and try to enlighten him. If it is due to jealousy or some other emotional feeling you must try to radiate your loving kindness towards him so that you will be able to influence him through your mental waves. You may not be able to understand how it works but through the experience of many people it shows that this is the most powerful, intelligent and easiest method which is very highly recommended in the Buddhist religion. Of course, to do this, you must have confidence and patience in yourself. By doing this you will be able to make your enemy understand that he is in the wrong; besides you are also benefited in various ways for not accommodating enmity in your heart.


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